The Legacy of the Land of the Fanns
We should all recognise that Land of the Fanns has been a huge success and will positively change the way we work together across our landscape. I am sure all partners and stakeholders will agree that we need to grasp this opportunity and work closely to sustain the energy and momentum gained by the team in the past five years. The good news is that, through the Thames Chase Trust and its agreed role as the Legacy Body, we have a tried and tested mechanism in place to achieve this.
The Trust will build on its 32 years’ experience of working in partnership across the Community Forest landscape to continue the good work of the Land of the Fanns team. It is a bright and exciting future ahead for our landscape now with more partners engaged, more people connected to their landscape and a greater understanding and appreciation of culture and heritage.
A new Community Forest Partnership Board has been created to drive forward the legacy of Land of the Fanns and to oversee the creation of a refreshed Thames Chase Plan, forging an ambitious strategic vision and taking us into the next ten years of robust partnership working across our landscape.
Dave Bigden
Director | Thames Chase Community Forest
Photo: Wayne Sullivan