Online Learning Resource
The Land of the Fanns Landscape Partnership Scheme has launched an easy to use one-stop online resource for teachers and home learners that will encourage young people to explore and discover the great outdoors.
Time spent outdoors is a fantastic way to change pace, boost energy levels and bring a subject to life. Across the curriculum, the outdoors has many applications: from learning maths by measuring and counting trees, history from forgotten landscapes, science through buddying-up with bugs.
The Land of the Fanns area bordering Essex and London hosts many different landscapes for young learners to explore and connect with, from woodlands to meadows, to lost eighteenth century marvels to rivers: All offering great opportunities for students across primary and secondary settings. The new website has been created to help educators get the most out of these opportunities.
The website was commissioned by Land of the Fanns in consultation with local educationalists: teachers, site staff and local authorities. It is free to use and intended for anyone involved in education in the Land of the Fanns area: parent, teacher, home learner. The website makes it easy to see which sites can be found locally, what type of educational activities can be undertaken at them, and offers supporting materials. It covers each key stage, marks curriculum links and pulls together resources from different providers in one place. It includes both managed and unmanaged sites and highlights where an onsite education officer or ranger may be available to lead a visit. Find the online resource here: www.landofthefannslearning.org
Dave Smith, Senior Inspector, Hsis comments: “This new website will provide schools with a central repository of the array of rich sites to visit and initiatives to engage with in the years ahead. We are delighted to have been involved advising on its development as part of the steering group and our Geography, History and Science Advisers will actively promote the Land of the Fanns opportunities through meetings with subject leaders. We encourage schools to explore it for ways in which to further enhance the curriculum both in and out of school for the benefit of all learners.”